Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Tough of California in Connecticut

This past summer, my friend Meghan and I stopped by her grandparents' little home to pick up camping gear on our way up to Kennebunkport, Maine for Labor Day weekend. Their gravel driveway snakes up and reveals a California ranch style home at its end. As we approached it to greet her grandparents, I was swept off my feet. Extremely unique to the East Coast, this architectural style boasts floor-to-ceiling glass windows, one simple floor with all the rooms (a basement of course), and a true California ranch feel. It's surrounded by lush forest and tall grass. Inside, a blanched yellow on the walls absorbs the rays of the sun. As one walks in through the side door an eclectic array of objects containing decades of memories hang on the walls and are artfully thrown on tables, a desk, and cabinets arranged around the perimeter of the room, and stacked on the windowsills. Old newspapers yellowed from the sun are placed neatly on the desk next to a clean spiral notebook, a place mat with an Inca calendar design hangs on a rocking chair, oil lamps, ceramic jars, a stack of old books and a plethora of other trinkets cover the top of a cabinet, and an old Packard computer sits idle next to jugs of pencils and pens. I could keep going, but the photos essentially speak for themselves. I can only think of one way of describing the living space: soulful.

The plan is to interview the lovely couple this Spring and expand on the photos that I already took of their impressionable home. I absolutely can't wait. This place is a gem. Here's a sampling of the shots I took of it so far...

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